
KNS' pricing model is the same as ENS, meaning that the price is based on the name length.

The idea is to have shorter names cost more and longer ones be really affordable, especially because realistically most names are not 3-4 characters long. This way, regular users who just want to use the service for its real purpose can do so at an affordable price while those who want to invest in and speculate on more rare names can do it without us disrupting the economy, which would happen if we employed a flat pricing model due to all the names having an equal cost

If you hold a Lomen NFT or one of our partners' NFTs, you are eligible for a HODLer discount. The discounted price is tailor-made to undercut ENS prices for shorter names, plus you have the advantage of not having to pay any recurring fee in the future as the names you mint are yours forever to keep.

The HODLer discount's purpose is to incentivize people to hold KCC's NFTs and to valorize those collections. The discount can be used for any subsequent purchase as long as you are holding an eligible NFT.

Last updated